Kamogawa Church Christmas Charity Ball a Big Success!
写真とビデオはウエブサイトにアップロードされていますので、是非ご覧ください:www.kamogawachurch.com 。
Thank you all for helping make The Kamogawa Church Christmas Charity Ball a fun and great success. We collected over ¥230,000 for the NPO Hojin Mirai. Please check out the photos and video of the party on our website: www.kamogawachurch.com .
At the party we enjoyed lots of good food and drink, Santa, Christmas music and caroling, dog dancing, and dog bingo! And last but not least we devoured the nearly forgotten Christmas cake!
We look forward to your support and participation at our next church event.
Wishing you a wonderfully happy, healthy and prosperous 2011!!!
Daniel P. Arakelian
Photos | Videos

Kamogawa Church Charity Ball 2010
Event Details
Benefit for NPO Houjin Mirai Kuu-chan House Dog Training and Dog Therapy.
Sponsored by Kamogawa Church.
December 20, 2010 at the Hito-Machi Koryukan, Kyoto, Meeting Rooms 1 and 2 (Dai ichi ni kaigishitsu).
Location: See Google Map.
Price: 1,500yen per person, kids up to 5 yrs are free. Elementary school and Junior High School kids are half price.
If you plan to attend or need more information please contact Daniel:
Phone 090-2045-3888
Email weddingprojapan (at) yahoo.com
Merry Christmas! Wan! Wan!
(Also: please see the page for Christmas Party 2009!)
Party Schedule for December 20th, 2010:
1. NPO Hojin Mirai Kuu-chan House Dog Therapy Event:NPO法人みらいとく
10:00am to 11am: set up(準備、自由参加)
11am to 1145am: dog training pointers(犬の無料しつけ相談)
12pm to 1230pm: dog performance(犬との一芸体験)
2. Kamogawa Church Christmas Charity Ball Schedule:鴨川教会のクリスマス
1300pm: greetings and introductions(挨拶と自己紹介)
1310pm: Christmas Story: a reading from the gospel of Luke, Christmas
Message, Christmas Blessing(クリスマスストリー:ルカによる福音書・クリスマ
1320pm: Kanpai/Christmas Toast(乾杯)
1330 to 1400pm: Bingo Game(ビンゴ・ゲーム)
1400: Santa’s visit(サンタさんの訪問)
1400 to 1415 Christmas Caroling: singing with Santa(クリスマス・キャロル)
1415: Donation Present to NPO Hojin MIrai and Kuu-chan House(NPO法人への
1420: Kamogawa Church Christmas Present Song(鴨川福音教会からのお祝い曲)
1425 to 1445: Dog Dancing(ドッグダンス体験)
1500: Christmas Cake Dessert Time(クリスマスケーキ・デザートタイム)
1515: Games(ゲーム)
1600: Party Close(お開き)
1600 to 1700: clean up(お片づけ自由参加)